Thursday, 14 August 2008

Studio video day 1

gmail.counfortunately the front room smells like a grannys sleeve and joe is getting a voice like a bookie just from sitting in here! also my contact lenses are getting dangerously thin and old i should really stop putting them into my precious eyes . i think im pushing the four month mark now and am well overdue for MAD infection.
but there are bigger things on my mind! these things are that finally i am up to put down my acoustic guitar parts. mike put his parts down unsettlingly quickly, not even long enough to let me write a blog...

so we began to record the drums and found that we only had two channels to record on! we really h -- (ollie started to write this but now he has to go and RECORD so i, bass giant, shall continue) -- we really had to get creative with the microphones. thanks to producer tim's invention the drums sound rockin. joe laid down his parts in the late afternoon of yesterday and this morning, then i slammed some bass down. currently ollie is recording guitar bits which is pretty amazing.

we've also been making some pretty pimped cakes the last couple of days. when i say 'we' i mean 'ollie'. one was a banana loaf with mixed fruit in it, today's offering was a chocolate cake.

we have also been playing ping pong against major tom (ollie's dad). fair to say he kicked our asses, but joe puhed him pretty hard.

that's what she said

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